Emeriti Staff Procedures
Emeritus status for staff may be conferred by Frostburg State University on the basis of exemplary and lengthy service to the University community. Staff Emeritus, a title of distinction, is conferred by the President upon staff whose personal and professional contributions to the University community have been of the highest merit.
Eligibility considerations for Emeritus status include:
• At least 10 years of distinguished full-time Frostburg State University employment, at the level below Director,
• has a record of noteworthy contributions throughout his or her FSU career,
• retired from FSU in good standing.
For consideration, submit the following information for approval of the President:
• a recommendation made by an employee at the supervisor-level or above,
• a recommendation by the Staff Senate.
Emeriti staff are listed under Emeriti -- Staff in the University catalog and enjoy use of University Facilities, privileges and services as available to the University community.
When merited, the President may make exceptions to this policy.
The nominator completes the Staff Emeriti Recommendation form and submits it with supporting documents to the Staff Senate. A subcommittee of the Senate will vet the nomination through Human Resources, the employee’s supervisor (if different than the nominator), and the employee’s vice president, preferably the vice president at the time of the employee’s retirement. The subcommittee will make a recommendation to the full Senate to approve or deny the nomination after the nominee has retired. The Senate will vote on the nomination and forward [approved] nominations recommended for approval to the President.
Emeritus staff status is a privilege and not a right, and it is awarded at the discretion of the university. No staff member is entitled to emeritus status, and emeritus status may be removed by the university at any time for any reason.