Frequently Asked Questions

How do I declare an English major or minor?

Contact the English Department Chair, Dr. Sydney Duncan.

What scholarships are available for majors?

Please see the Scholarships page.

What does it mean if I receive a 5 on my entrance essay?

A 5 on the placement essay means you are eligible to take ENGL 101 in your second semester, if you wish.

May I transfer English classes from other schools to Frostburg?

Certain English classes may be transferred, ENGL 101, for example. The 300-level English composition class must be taken at Frostburg, however. Other courses may transfer for credit. The registrar's office, or the English department Chair or Associate Chair will make a determination on whether courses may be transferred for credit.

May I drop English 101?

English 101: Freshman Composition may not be dropped unless you are withdrawing from the University. However, it is possible to take the course more than once.

What is a CS grade?

The CS, or Continued Study Required, grade is a no-penalty, no-pass grade. In English 101 or 300-level Composition courses, an instructor can give a grade of CS if the instructor judges that a student has not yet passed the course by the end of the semester but has followed required procedures (attended all classes, completed all work on time, and so forth.)

The CS grade does not count against your GPA. Unlike a D or F grade, which gets averaged into your GPA, the CS is GPA neutral and allows you to continue working in a second semester without grade penalty. Maintaining your eligibility for the CS grade is important! See your instructor’s syllabus for more details.

Note: Receiving a CS grade requires you to take the course again the next semester. The grade is only available in English and mathematics courses that meet core skills requirements.