Student Activities
Students in the Frostburg State University English Department are actively engaged in campus life. From the Valentine's Day Reading to the Community Veteran's Day Reading, from Relay for Life to the Department Picnic, from the Shakespeare Festival to Majors Fair, the students in the English Department always have something going on!
Department Picnic
Each September the English Department has a picnic that coincides with the Cambridge American Stage Tour visit. This year we were rained out! We moved indoors to the Baptist Student Center.
Cambridge American Stage Tour
Each year, we are visited by students from Cambridge University in Great Britain. They bring a fabulous production of one of Shakespeare's plays and visit classes.
English Colloquium
The English Department sponsors an annual event that allows students to present their best papers. Papers are chosen based on a blind review and evaluated on standard criteria. On Colloquium day, after lunch and a plenary session in which a speaker chosen by the Colloquium committee addresses the assembled group of students, parents, relatives, and friends, sessions organized by theme and moderated by English Department members take place. Student speakers present their papers and field questions, just as they might at professional conferences.
Banned Books Reading
The department supports the American Library Association's Banned Books week by celebrating the freedom to read. Including the books below, we also heard selections from the Bible, the Decameron, and many others.
Veteran's Support
Sigma Tau Delta members and student veterans have a bake sale to raise money for CARE packages for soldiers. They raised over $200 in one day!
Veteran's Day Reading
In November, we celebrate our veterans with a community reading.
Majors Fair
We recruit new English majors!
Relay for Life
Relay for Life, a fund-raiser for cancer research, is a huge spring event on the FSU campus. The English Department has a strong Relay Team that has beat its team goal three years running. In 2012 we also won the blitz challenge! Frostburg State University raised more than $56,000 this year.