Modifying a Reservation
After you have submitted your reservation request, or even after your request has been approved and confirmed, it may be necessary to modify your reservation to change the time, attendance number, add or remove services, etc.
To modify your reservation, after logging into the EMS Web App, click on "My Events" in the menu on the left.
After clicking on the title of the event, if the event is a recurring event (for example, if it occurs every Monday) you will then need to click on the corresponding icons next to the date you need to modify.
The is used to modify your reservation. The
is used to cancel the reservation.
When you click the icon, it opens the original details window for the event. From here, you can browse for a new date and time or explore other rooms and venues.
To add services, such as laptops, projection systems, webcams, etc., click on the 'Add Services" link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
This will bring you to the Services page in the reservations process.
From here, add what Event Services or Furnishings are needed then click the "Next Step" button.
If your event is part of a reoccurrence, choose the dates you would like to add the services to and then click "Add Services" to continue.
When you view "My Events," you will now see services listed under the date(s) you added services for. You can then click "Manage Services" under the date should you need to change or update services in the future for this reservation.