B the 1

B the I campaignB the 1 was developed to address bystander care intervention at Frostburg State University. We have created two different educational programs that address this issue. An hour long presentation reviews basic concepts, scenarios and specific issues to Frostburg students. The two hour presentation is a "train the trainer" program that empowers other students to help promote bystander care intervention within their specific inner circles.

The Top Ten ways to B the 1...

Be the change

Why wait for someone else to make the difference? Step up and take charge. Make the difference to create the world that you foresee. This doesn't mean that you have to move mountains to make that change. Opening the door for someone, saying hello, or helping someone carry groceries are just a few very small things that can make a big difference.

Help a friend set limits

We all have people in our lives with behaviors that they should limit a little such as drinking too much, over eating, or even saying inappropriate jokes. As an empowered bystander, you could help them check those unhealthy behaviors by helping them set boundaries. Limit them to one drink per hour, or say that if they continue to tell jokes like that then you will leave. However, remember to do it in a non-confrontational way,

Stop the gossip

“That's not cool!” It could be as easy as that. Tell them that what they are saying is not funny or cool, and that you will not stand for it. No one really wants to be gossiped about, so why gossip about others?

Stand up and assume responsibility

Take control. Take a leadership role. Stand up and do something about what is happening. Help break up a fight. Make sure no one is slipping something in others' drinks. Make it your responsibility to make sure others are safe.

Take the keys

This one is simple. If a friend, a member of your organization, or even a complete stranger has had too much to drink, take away their keys. No one wants a drunk driver on the roads. They could get in serious trouble, or worse, hurt themselves or someone else. Any drunk driving crash could be prevented if someone stepped in. If you are unsure how to approach a situation like this, here is a resource that can help you out. (Insert resource)

Stand up for the victim

There is a common phrase, “Give a voice to the voiceless.” That phrase could sum up this B the 1 tip. Supporting and standing up for the victim and helping them through their ordeal can help that person tremendously.

Call 911

If there is a dangerous situation where someone could get (or has gotten) hurt, call 911. There is a common fear that you or other people at the scene will get in trouble, but the most important thing is getting help for the person in danger. Calling 911 and getting professional help could save someone's life!

Listen and be a friend

At some point in life, everyone needs to talk to a friend about an issue. Step up and be that friend. Listen to their problems in a non-judgmental way and be there to support them. That alone could save a life.

Stay sober

Prove the misperception wrong…have fun without drinking! The typical college experience is nothing like Animal House. There are plenty of things that students can do on and off campus to have fun without drinking. See for yourself. We have put together the informational e-brochure, “101 Things to do at FSU”, and all of the recommended activities are alcohol-free. (Insert link)

Refuse to be silent 

No one can change the world by standing by and keeping quiet. Stand up and say what needs to be said. What you say can save a life.

For more information about B the 1 initiatives or bystander care intervention, call 301-687-4761.



BURG Peer Education Network

S.A.F.E. Office in Pullen Hall, Room 109
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532

ticket icon 301-687-4761
email icon BURGPeerEdNetwork@gmail.com

Don Swogger
Director of Substance Abuse | S.A.F.E. Office

ticket icon 301-687-4761
email icon dswogger@frostburg.edu