Attending Another Institution
Once you enroll as a degree candidate at Frostburg State University, you must request prior permission to pursue course work at another institution and transfer it into your program at Frostburg State. This procedure is for your protection to ensure that course work is transferable and is equivalent to the course for which you seek credit, and meets the requirement you want fulfill.
If you have 0-89 total credits earned (including previous transfer credit, credits in which you currently are enrolled at FSU or elsewhere, and the requested credits off-campus), you must follow these procedures:
- Obtain a list of course offerings and catalog descriptions for the course(s) you want to take at another institution.
- Complete the electronic Authorization to Attend Another Institution form (Student Access Only) on the Registrar's website. This form will automatically be sent to the Registrar's Office for processing upon submission.
- After the form has been approved, a copy will be sent to your FSU email from
- Take the approval form to registration at the other institution.
- After completion of the course work, have an official transcript forwarded from the other institution to:
Frostburg State University
Registrar's Office
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532
In addition to the steps noted above, the following special rules apply:
Credit hours earned at other institutions are accepted for transfer but grades are not. Consequently, the grades from transfer credits are not computed into the cumulative grade point average at FSU. However, academic progress is expected according to the total credit hours earned, including transfer credits.
If you have 90 or more total credits (including previous transfer credits and credits in which you currently are enrolled at FSU or elsewhere), you may transfer a maximum of seven additional credits of general education or general elective course work, provided that you still earn a minimum of 30 credits towards the degree at Frostburg State University. These credits may include courses that count toward the major or minor only if you will earn half of your major or minor credits at Frostburg State University. After you have a total of 90 or more credits:
- Your department chair or coordinator must give prior approval for additional transferred credits of general education or general elective course work.
- Your department chair or coordinator must give prior approval for additional transferred course work that counts toward the major or minor.
If you have 70 credits transferred from two-year colleges, you cannot transfer additional credit from a two-year college. This is a State regulation and no exceptions are allowed.
Exceptions to the rules specified above require a written appeal to the Academic Standards Subcommittee at least one month prior to the term in which you wish to study at another institution.