Engineering News

Welcome! Find out about news and events in Frostburg State University's Engineering Department!


May 16, 2022

            Physics and Engineering Hosts Former DOE Director, Kurt Heckman
Physics and Engineering Hosts Former DOE Director, Kurt Heckman

P&E invited Mr. Kurt Heckman to present a seminar entitled, "The U.S. Department of Energy: Missions for America." The seminar, held Tuesday, May 10, 2022, was well attended by students, faculty and staff. During the seminar, Heckman discussed opportunities for collaboration with the Department of Energy for FSU faculty, staff and students including possible internships.

May 11, 2022

            Senior Capstone Students Present Research to Industry Leaders at Engineering Advisory Board Meeting
Senior Capstone Students Present Research to Industry Leaders at Engineering Advisory Board Meeting

Senior engineering and physics students at Frostburg State University recently presented their capstone projects during the Engineering Advisory Board (EAB) meeting. Fostering connections and entrepreneurship, EAB group members discussed the program areas and the University’s unique attributes.

May 2, 2022

            P & E Alumni Spotlight: Alanzo Chambers
P & E Alumni Spotlight: Alanzo Chambers

Materials Engineering alum, Alanzo Chambers '17, talks about how his capstone project at Frostburg State University helped prepare him for the workforce. Just 4 years after graduation, he now works as General Engineer and Testing Officer at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center.

Mar 21, 2022

            Physics and Engineering Chair Receives Grant for LiDAR Performance Assessment in Autonomous Vehicles
Physics and Engineering Chair Receives Grant for LiDAR Performance Assessment in Autonomous Vehicles

Dr. Jamil Abdo, chair of the Frostburg State University Department of Physics and Engineering, was recently awarded a $171,351 grant testing self-driving cars in less-than-ideal weather conditions, dust and smog.

Feb 9, 2022

            P & E Alumni Spotlight: Brendan Latimer
P & E Alumni Spotlight: Brendan Latimer

Materials Engineering alum, Brendan Latimer '18, talks about how his studies at Frostburg State University helped guide his career path. Just 3 years after graduation, he now works as an NPWS Systems Engineer for FEMA's Integrated Public Alert System.


Aug 2, 2021

            P & E Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Grabowski
P & E Alumni Spotlight: Ryan Grabowski

Mechanical Engineering alum, Ryan Grabowski '12, talks about his career as a Testing and Validation Engineer and how the taking the Mechanical Engineering program at FSU helped him meet his goals.

Jul 7, 2021

            P & E Alumni Spotlight: Nick Harris
P & E Alumni Spotlight: Nick Harris

Mechanical Engineering alum, Nick Harris '21, talks about why he chose Frostburg State University's Mechanical Engineering program and shares some advice for current students.


Dec 17, 2020

            FSU Engineering Program Reaccredited by ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission
FSU Engineering Program Reaccredited by ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission

Frostburg State University’s bachelor’s degree program in engineering has been reaccredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, which is the recognized accreditor of college and university programs in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology.

Dec 16, 2020

            FSU Engineering Student Receives Prestigious Department of Energy Fellowship
FSU Engineering Student Receives Prestigious Department of Energy Fellowship

For Frostburg State University engineering student Bria’ Johnson, getting to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy’s prestigious Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) program this past summer was a tremendous honor. She was even more honored when her research project was highlighted on the DOE’s official website.

Dec 14, 2020

            FSU Engineering Student Profiled for “Women in Technology”
FSU Engineering Student Profiled for “Women in Technology”

As a young girl, Frostburg State University student Kaoutar Sahmoudi always had engineering on her “radar.” But it was a career path that was uncommon for women and, particularly, women of color. Now, Sahmoudi’s commitment to pursue her dream is receiving international recognition.

Aug 15, 2020

            FSU professor, student research self-driving vehicle sensors
FSU professor, student research self-driving vehicle sensors

Engineering Major Spencer Hamblin is assisting Dr. Abdo with his research testing the performance of sensors for self-driving cars.

Jul 2, 2020

            Congratulations to the Soysals for publishing their new textbook!
Congratulations to the Soysals for publishing their new textbook!

This book takes an interdisciplinary system approach to evaluating energy systems so that readers can gain the necessary technical foundation to perform their own performance evaluations and understand their interactions with socioeconomic indicators.

Jul 1, 2020

            Dr. Hang Deng-Luzader spends sabbatical year in Beijing, China
Dr. Hang Deng-Luzader spends sabbatical year in Beijing, China

Dr. Hang Deng-Luzader spent her sabbatical year in Beijing, China. She taught quantum mechanics to a graduate level class in Beijing Normal University during the fall semester of 2019.

Apr 23, 2020

            Overcoming COVID-19
Overcoming COVID-19

Physics and Engineering pivots as we adjust to pandemic life.

Apr 13, 2020

            Thomas Cadenazzi Receives Caring Bobcat Award
Thomas Cadenazzi Receives Caring Bobcat Award

Cadenazzi received several nominations from students who commend him for his commitment to online teaching. “This professor is doing a great job during this challenging situation to help us continue to learn.”

Feb 26, 2020

            Engineering Capstone Provides Potential Solution for Icy Sidewalks and Driveways
Engineering Capstone Provides Potential Solution for Icy Sidewalks and Driveways

Engineering students working on their capstone project took inspiration from their frosty Frostburg surroundings in developing modular heated tiles to melt snow and ice on slippery surfaces.


Sep 10, 2019

            Student Work Is Published in The Astrophysical Journal
Student Work Is Published in The Astrophysical Journal

ABSTRACT: The net radial flow velocity of gas is an important parameter for understanding galaxy evolution. It is difficult to measure in the presence of the elliptical orbits of an oval distortion because the mathematical model describing the observed velocity is degenerate in the unknown velocity components.

Feb 19, 2019

            Student-Veteran’s Research Impresses at International Conference, Recognized in Congress
Student-Veteran’s Research Impresses at International Conference, Recognized in Congress

Frostburg State student and U.S. Army veteran, Brent Patterson, has had a big year. Patterson not only presented his research on the potential of plant-based bullet-resistant materials at the Materials Science and Technology Conference in Ohio, but he was also awarded three purple hearts.


Oct 2, 2018

            FSU’s Greg Latta Receives Third Individual Achievement in the Arts Award
FSU’s Greg Latta Receives Third Individual Achievement in the Arts Award

Dr. Greg Latta, professor in Frostburg State University’s Physics Department, has won his third Individual Artist Award from the Maryland State Arts Council. He was awarded $3,000 in the category for Non-Classical Music: Solo Performance.

May 19, 2018

             Jason Speights earns Regents' Faculty Award
Jason Speights earns Regents' Faculty Award

Jason Speights has been awarded the Regents’ Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentoring, the highest honor that the University of Maryland Board of Regents bestows to recognize exemplary faculty achievement. He was honored at the April 20 meeting of the board.


Oct 3, 2017

            Good Vibrations: Alumna Has Role in Groundbreaking Deep Space Discovery
Good Vibrations: Alumna Has Role in Groundbreaking Deep Space Discovery

Dr. Amber Stuver, Frostburg Class of 1999, makes her living looking for disturbances in the space-time continuum that are so difficult to detect that even Albert Einstein wasn’t sure how to go about it. Stuver is part of a team of ground-breaking scientists who were the first to detect the existence of gravitational waves and black holes — a revolutionary feat that has puzzled the best of scientists since Einstein first predicted them in his general theory of relativity.


Dec 16, 2016

            Professor’s Legacy Lives On Through Luzader Physics Scholarship
Professor’s Legacy Lives On Through Luzader Physics Scholarship

The Luzader Scholarship at Frostburg State University supports physics majors with a GPA of at least 3.0, with preference for juniors or seniors pursuing graduate school or teacher certifications as demonstrated through an essay.


Oct 27, 2015

            First Light at Frostburg State Observatory
First Light at Frostburg State Observatory

Frostburg State University's rooftop observatory is now projecting images from the universe into the Multimedia Learning Center and Planetarium thanks to the hard work of students and faculty advisors.