AmeriCorps Frequently Asked Questions
What are the minimum qualifications to be in the ASTAR program?
• You must be at least 18 years old to be in the ASTAR program
Do all AmeriCorps positions in ASTAR receive a living stipend?
• No, only the full-time and half-time positions have a living stipend attached to the position.
• The minimum time are education award only positions
How does the living stipend get dispersed and how often?
• The living stipend is equally divided between the pay periods and the contract year and is paid every two weeks. Those who start at the beginning of the program year (around August 14-20) will receive a full living allowance during their term of service. If you start later in the program year your living stipend is prorated based on the number of pay periods left in the program year.
Can I count my lunchtime as part of my AmeriCorps service hours?
• No, in most cases you cannot count your lunch or other breaks as AmeriCorps time.
Do I have to serve the entire contract period?
• As a full or half-time AmeriCorps member you are signing on to a contract period that begins on your assigned ‘start date’ and must be finished by August 14th of the following year. For example, the program starts August 15, 2023, and ends August 14, 2024, those enrolled as of 8/15/23 are expected to serve until 8/14/24. If you complete your hours early you are still expected to serve at your site until the end of your contract. If you choose to leave early your living stipend will be stopped at the time of your departure.
How do I use my Education Award?
• Download "How do I use my Education Award" to learn all the specifics.
Can my education award be used by someone else in my family?
• The education award can be used or given to an immediate family member IF the AmeriCorps member earning the award is over 55 years of age at the time of enrolling in the program. If not, the answer is NO.
• The education award can be held in the My AmeriCorps portal for up to 7 years.
I still have questions. How do I contact someone?
Please email Lisa Clark at or call her at 301-697-3359.