Mission and Vision

The Frostburg State University Cultural Events Series (CES) provides opportunities for cultural, educational and economic engagement through its dedication to bringing diverse and multi-cultural performing artists to the tri-state region. Community members of all ages celebrate the arts through live performance, educational outreach, and experiential education; and discover global understanding through appreciation and acceptance of cultural differences.


We envision an environment where all members of our community experience the transformative power of the arts; where ideas circulate vigorously and freely; where artists play a leading role in global dialogue; and people of all cultures interact and affirm themselves through the arts.


We believe that the performing arts are a universal form of human communication and a fundamental component of free expression. The interaction between artist and audience is indispensable to the mind and spirit, basic to civic life, and crucial to the economic vitality of our community.

We believe that the performing arts unite all people. For the performing arts to flourish, we must embrace all human experiences and have diversity in our artists and in our audience.


Contact CES

University Box Office
Lane University Center 203
Monday-Friday 10AM-4PM

Contact Us