Electrical Engineering

B.S. in Engineering with Electrical Concentration

Build on your passion for engineering at one of two locations.

Electrical Engineers develop innovative solutions and work with technology in a wide variety of applicable fields, such as computer networking and telecommunications. Students will gain experience and knowledge through our hands-on electrical engineering curriculum.

Our graduates are highly sought out and employed by companies such as the National Security Agency, NASA, Northrop Grumman, Phenix Technologies, and other U.S. Government agencies.

Our courses cover areas such as:

  • Fundamentals Digital and Electric Circuits Lab
  • Digital Logic Design
  • Analog and Digital Electronics
  • Signal and System Theory
  • Computer Organization 
  • Mechatronic and Robotic Design

You Have Options

The engineering program at FSU provides many options for meeting your individual needs. Partnering with institutions of higher education across the state of Maryland, FSU helps you choose how to best fulfill your personal goals. The Electrical Engineering Concentration offers two pathway options:

Beyond the Classroom

In addition to coursework, you'll have a variety of ways to build your skill set and resume.

  • Gain real-world experience with the technology you will use in your career through an internship or FSU work-study as a lab assistant. Past FSU engineering students have had internships with companies such as NASA, J.F. Taylor, Jefferson Lab, Cardinal Scientific, and Northrop Grumman.
  • Prepare to join top companies in the region and beyond.
  • Use state-of-the-art technology, such as additive manufacturing 3D print lab, materials testing lab, computational engineering workstations, robotics lab and many other great resources.
  • Develop leadership skills by joining engineering clubs such as The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and The National Society of Black Engineers and take part in volunteer and outreach events with fellow students.

About Our Engineering Faculty

  • Learn one-on-one with your professors in small classes that give you an abundance of resources and guidance.
  • Discover your interest in engineering with professors who can provide you with unique hands-on learning, such as interdisciplinary capstone project development and collaboration opportunities in energy, autonomous vehicles, sensing, defense corps, and more.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Electrical Engineering Program at Frostburg State University is to provide excellent undergraduate education in Electrical engineering; to establish close partnerships with and provide technical knowledge to industry, government, and local business; to contribute to economic development within the state of Maryland, specifically in the Western Maryland region; and to provide related services to the campus community and community at large.

  • Program Educational Objectives

    A few years from graduation, the graduates of the Electrical Engineering Program at Frostburg State University will:

    1. Perform as valuable employees or professionals in their career paths centered on Electrical Engineering skills.
    2. Apply their broader analytical skill set through finding innovative solutions to real-world problems and creating new knowledge, ideas, and products.
    3. Demonstrate professionalism and an ability to think globally through constructive teamwork, group problem-solving, and effective communication with others without an engineering background.
    4. Demonstrate ethical decision-making in their positions of responsibility and leadership.
    5. Engage in life-long learning by enhancing their technical knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues and taking advantage of professional development opportunities.
  • Program Outcomes

    The students of the Electrical Engineering Program at Frostburg State University will demonstrate the following throughout the curriculum:

    1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
    2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
    3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
    4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
    5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
    6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
    7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
  • Required Courses

    ENES 100: Introduction to Engineering Design
    Course Description: FSU Course, Introduction to the Engineering Design Process, computer software for word processing, spreadsheet, CAD, and communication skills. Students work as teams to design and build a project. Two hrs. lecture and two hrs. recitation per week. Every semester. 3 credits.

    ENEE 224: Digital Logic
    Prerequisites: ENES 100 Introduction to Engineering Design.

    Course Description: Gates, flip-flops, registers, and counters. Karnaugh map simplification of gate networks. Switching algebra. Synchronous sequential systems. PLAs. Elements of binary arithmetic units. Four hours. Prerequisite: ENES 100. Fall. 4 credits.

    ENME 272: Intro to C.A.D
    Prerequisites: ENES 100 and a “C” or better in Math 237

    Course Description: Fundamentals of CAD, using solid modeling packages (Pro/E, SolidWorks, and Autodesk Inventor). Two- and three-dimensional drawing. Dimensioning and specifications. Introduction of CAD-based analysis tools. Students will complete a design project.

    ENEE 204: Basic Circuit Theory
    Prerequisites: PHYS 262 and co-requisite MATH 237.

    Course Description: Basic circuit elements: resistors, capacitors, inductors, sources, mutual inductance, and transformers; their I-V relationships. Kirchoff’s Laws. DC and AC steady-state analysis. Phasors, node and mesh analysis, superposition, theorems of Thevenin and Norton. Transient analysis for first- and second-order circuits. Four hours of lecture each week. Spring.

    ENEE 206: Circuit Lab
    Prerequisites: ENEE 244. Corequisite: ENEE 204.

    Lab Description: Introduction to basic measurement techniques and electrical laboratory equipment (power supplies, oscilloscopes, voltmeters, etc.). Design, construction, and characterization of circuits containing passive elements, operational amplifiers, and digital integrated circuits. Transient and steady-state response. This course is a prerequisite to all upper-level ENEE laboratories. One hr. lecture and three hrs. lab per week. Spring.

    ENME 271: Numerical Methods
    Prerequisites: PHYS 261, MATH 237.

    Course Description: Develop the skills to generate readable, compact, and verifiably correct scripts and functions in MATLAB and C++ to obtain numerical solutions to a wide range of engineering models and to display the results with fully annotated graphics. Learn structured programming. 3 credits.FSU Course. Two lectures and two hrs. lab per week. Spring. 

    ENEE 303: Analog and Digital Electronics
    Prerequisites: C or better in each of ENEE 204, ENEE 206, and ENEE 244. Co-requisite: ENEE 307

    Course Description: Introduction to the conceptual physical operation of PN-junction diodes, MOSFETs, and bipolar transistors (BJTs). Large signal terminal characteristics of PN junction diodes, bipolar, and MOSFET transistors. Digital electronics is covered at the transistor level, including the inverter, NAND, and NOR gates. Semiconductor memory. Basic transistor circuit configurations, including the BJT common emitter (CE) and common collector (CC) circuits, and the MOSFET common source (CS) and common drain (CD) configurations. DC bias and small-signal analysis of BJTs and MOSFETs. Simple multitransistor circuits, including the differential amplifier and the current mirror. Frequency response of simple amplifiers. Fall. 

    ENEE 307: Electronics Circuits Design
    Prerequisites:  C or better in each of ENEE 204, ENEE 206, and ENEE 244. Co-requisite: ENEE 303.

    Course Description: I-V properties of diodes and transistors through simple experiments. Analysis, design, and construction of digital and analog electronic circuits at the transistor and integrated circuit levels. Operation and design of relevant multi-transistor circuits. BJT forward active operation by study of CE design, bias, and small-signal operation. MOS common source operation, the study of inverters, NAND, and NOR gates. Simulation and analysis of Random Access Memory (RAM). Study of basic transistor configurations and frequency response by building a high-fidelity audio amplifier. Differential amplifiers, active loads, current mirrors, and principles of feedback through the construction of opamps from discrete components. Experiments will be tightly aligned to the ENEE 303 lectures. Not open to students who have credit for former ENEE 306. One-hour lecture, three hours lab per week. Fall. 

    ENEE 322: Signal and System Theory
    Prerequisite: ENEE 204 and MATH 432.

    Course Description: Concept of linear systems, state space equations for linear systems, time and frequency domain analysis of signals, and linear systems. Fourier, Laplace, and Z transform. Application of theory to problems in electrical engineering. Fall. 

    ENEE 380: Electromagnetic Theory
    Prerequisites: PHYS 263 and junior standing. Corequisite: MATH 432

    Course Description: Study of electromagnetic fields, Coulomb's law, Gauss's law, electrical potential, method of images, boundary value problems, multipole expansion, Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Lorentz force equation, Faraday’s law, and Maxwell's equations. Fall. 

    ENES 310: Mechatronic and Robotic
    Prerequisites: ENME 350 or ENEE 204

    Course Description: Components of mechatronics systems and robotics. Control of electromechanical systems. Material handling systems, numerically controlled tools, flexible manufacturing systems. Sensors, transducers, actuators, data acquisition, and computer interfacing. Process control systems. Dynamics of electromechanical systems, design considerations, and contemporary practical issues. Two hrs. lecture and two hrs. lab activities per week. Fall. 

    ENEE 445: Communication Systems
    Prerequisites: ENEE 322.

    Course Description: Introduction to continuous waveform modulation techniques. Introduction to digital modulation techniques, random processes in communication systems analysis, understanding of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions, sampling and quantization techniques, lab experience using instrumentation equipment commonly used in industry, such as oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, RF signal generators, analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, etc. Two hrs. lecture and two hrs. lab per week. Spring. 4 cr. 

    ENES 401: Energy Engineering
    Prerequisites: Physics 263

    Course Description: Principles of thermodynamics; conventional and alternative energy sources and storage systems. Integration of alternative sources of energy and distributed generation. Energy conservation, environmental impacts of energy use, energy sustainability. Spring. 

    ENEE 350: Computer Organization
    Prerequisite: “C” or better in ENEE 204, 206 and 244

    Course Description: Structure and organization of digital computers. Registers, memory, control, and I/O. Data and instruction formats, addressing modes, assembly language programming. Elements of system software, subroutines, and their linkages. Four hours of lecture each week. Fall. 

    ENEE 481: Project Development
    Prerequisite: Completion of ENEE 204, ENEE 206, and ENEE 244 with a “C” or better

    Course Description: Introduction to product development in the field of electrical engineering. Selection of a subject for the Capstone Design Project course. Development of a design concept. Preliminary design to prepare of a list of materials, parts, and equipment needed to build and test a prototype. Codes and standards related to manufacturing and testing of the selected product. Teamwork to prepare a project proposal. Preparation of technical reports and oral presentations to discuss technical, economic, environmental, and ethical aspects of the proposed design. Preparation of a proposal for a capstone design project. Fall. 

    ENEE 408: Capstone
    Prerequisites: ENEE 481 and permission of department chair.

    Course Description: The culmination of prior coursework in electrical engineering. Utilization of modern design tools and methodologies for the design of components or systems under realistic constraints, with particular emphasis on teamwork and oral/written communication. Design problems in contemporary and emerging areas of electrical engineering are assigned to project teams. Spring. 

    ENEE 439: Signal Processing
    Co-requisite: ENEE 350.

    Course Description: Selected topics in signal processing. For electrical engineering majors only. Variable. Repeatable up to 6 credits.

    ENEE 475: Power Electronics
    Prerequisite: “C” or better in ENEE 303 or ENME 350.

    Course Description: Basic principles of power electronics and its applications. Analytical methods, canonical circuit topologies, fundamentals of power semiconductors, snubbing circuits, drive circuits, and control methods. Spring. 


Career Outlook for Electrical Engineers

Electrical Engineering is an in-demand field of engineering, with many electrical engineers employed in telecommunication industries, semi-conductor/electronics manufacturing, and the federal government, including research and development for aviation, satellites, radar, and communications systems. For more information, visit Bureau of Labor Statistics - Electrical Engineering.


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Department of Engineering