Music Scholarships & Required Auditions
You must audition on
- Saturday, February 15, 2025
- (snow date February 22)
to be considered for any music scholarships.
While you may audition anytime to be accepted into the Music program, the Department of Music will only consider students for music scholarships on the following date:
- Saturday, February 15, 2025
- (snowdate: Sat., Feb 22)
IMPORTANT: Most Music Department Scholarships are awarded exclusively to declared music majors. Students who are awarded music scholarships then subsequently change their major should be aware that their scholarship will be revoked.
If you have questions or need assistance, email
Students in the marching band will be eligible for a $500 scholarship. In order to be considered for the scholarship, students must enroll in the Fall class (MUSC 329), participate in all performances, and earn a grade of A or B in the class. Scholarships will be distributed the following Spring as part of financial aid.
To be put on the schedule for the scholarship auditions, click the link below to the appropriate Scholarship Application. Once you've completed both the Department of Music application and the FSU application you will be contacted with audition date and time.
- Department of Music
Scholarships Application for INCOMING Students - Department of Music
Scholarships Application for RETURNING Students
All applications for music scholarships must be submitted electronically through the link above.
IN ADDITION to the Music Department application ALL students (incoming freshman and current students) are also required to complete the University's scholarship application to be eligible for any scholarships.
Please contact the Financial Aid Office at 301.687.4301 if you have questions about the application process.
In addition to FSU and FSU Foundation criteria, music scholarship criteria may include:
- Performance ability
- GPA (3.0 required) and progress in academic program
- Departmental service
- Other university and community activities, organizations and volunteer work
- FSU honors and awards
- Attitude and integrity (violations of the Student Code of Conduct may be considered).
A note about Award Amounts: Award amounts vary from $250 to $1,000. The actual award is dependent upon the availability of funds as determined by the FSU Foundation or the funding source. The final decision on award amounts is determined by the FSU Foundation or the funding source. Related link: FSU Financial Aid Office.
Aden Lewis Music Scholarship
Awarded to entering first-year or transfer student with declared interest in Music Education. Audition Required.
Nadean A. Gordon Presidential Merit Scholarship for Vocal Music
In honor of Bonnie Gurley Kunkel and Barry Lyndon Gurley. Applicants must be enrolled full-time as a declared major in music with a concentration in Vocal Performance. Recipient must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.5. Transfer students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5
Music Achievement Award
Awarded to declared music major- sophomore, junior or senior. Requires FSU GPA of 3.0 or above; major GPA of 3.5 or above. Renewable. Audition Required. Returning Students only.
Robert Pusey Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time student with demonstrated ability on woodwind instrument; preference given to music majors. Audition Required.
Marguerite Witwer Richards Endowed Scholarship
Awarded to students with an overall GPA of 3.0 or above, and demonstrated musical ability. Preference given to Music Majors and applicants with demonstrated academic ability. Award may be renewed for three consecutive years if an overall GPA of 3.0 or above is maintained. Audition Required
Thelma Shockley Scholarship
The intent of the Thelma Shockley Scholarship is to support a student with demonstrated ability in the performing arts. Applicants must be enrolled full-time at FSU with a declared major or minor in the Departments of Music and/or Theatre and Dance. The recipient(s) must have an FSU overall grade point average of 3.0 or better. NOTE: This scholarship requires that the applicant complete the FSU institutional scholarship form, available from the Office of Financial Aid.
Mabel Myers Memorial Music Scholarship
Awarded to declared music majors with at least 60 college credits at time of award, an overall GPA of 3.0 or above, and interest in music as demonstrated by participating in a department of Music performing group, providing private instruction, or providing services for a church organization (music director, choral director, pianist, or organist). Preference given to students who demonstrate the most current participation in music activities listed above. Award may be received for two consecutive years if an overall GPA of 3.0 is maintained. Audition Required.
Henry A. Smith, Jr. Music Management Scholarship
Applicants must be enrolled full-time as a declared major in music with an overall grade point average of 3.0. Preference will be given to applicants who have permanent legal residence in Prince George’s County (MD), are pursuing a Music Management concentration and have demonstrated financial need
Talent in the Arts/Leadership Award
Demonstrated ability in theater, music, or visual arts. Student must provide appropriate materials - audition, portfolio, and/or interview - to the sponsoring department - theater, music, or visual arts. Award varies from $1,000 to $3,000 per academic year to be applied toward total cost of education for up to eight semesters for first-year students and up to six semesters for transfers, provided the student maintains a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, completes at least 24 credits per academic year, and remains a declared major in the sponsoring department.
Lawrence McDonald Scholarship for Clarinet Study
Recipient must have an FSU overall grade point average of 3.0 or better, as well as a GPA of 3.0 or better, as well as a GPA of 3.0 or better in related private instruction.
Charlie and Wanda Steiner Memorial Scholarship for Keyboard Study
Recipient must be a full-time FSU music major with a 3.0 or above GPA. Demonstrated musical ability on piano or organ. Audition required. Demonstrated financial need.
Travaskis Scholarship
The recipient must be a full-time student at FSU majoring in music with a 3.0 or above grade point average. Demonstrated financial need.
Margaret Ager Smith Scholarship
Recipient must be a full-time student at FSU majoring in music with a 3.0 or above overall grade point average. Preference will be given to applicants who are permanent legal residents of Prince George's (MD) County. Demonstrated financial need.
Guild Scholarship
Recipient must be enrolled full-time studying vocal music with an overall GPA of 3.0 or above.
Alison M. Combes and W. Craig Bowman Presidential Merit Scholarship
Applicant(s) must be enrolled full-time at FSU with a major in the Department of Music. The recipient must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.5. This award may be received only once.
Iris Halmos Presidential Merit Scholarship in Music
Applicants must be enrolled full-time at FSU in the Department of Music with a declared major or minor in music. The recipient(s) must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.5. Incoming freshman applicants must demonstrate strong academic achievement in high school as evidenced by class rank and SAT scores in the upper quartile. Transfer students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. Preference will be given to applicants in the following order of importance (1) academic ability, (2) demonstrated financial need.
An audition is required for ALL Music scholarships.
Music Department Scholarships are awarded exclusively to declared music majors. Students who are awarded music scholarships then subsequently change their major will have their scholarships revoked.
To be considered for a Music scholarship, the applicant must have applied to and been accepted as a full-time student at Frostburg State University with a declared major in Music. The FSU acceptance letter must be submitted with the additional scholarship materials.
All applications and materials must be received at least 1 week before the audition date.
A specific audition time will be confirmed via email only after all materials have been received.
If there is a serious conflict with the audition date, arrangements to have a virtual audition or submit a video may be made.
Entering freshmen and transfer students are required to pass an audition in their chosen performing area before being accepted as Majors to the Department of Music, the Music Scholarship audition counts as the audition to be accepted into the Major. At the time of audition they will also need to declare their area of study: Education, Performance, Management, or General Studies. (Students may be required to re-audition if they decide to change their area of study.)
Audition Repertoire
- All applicants are expected to be able to vocally match a single pitch and a short series of pitches.
- We recommend two contrasting pieces for your audition (not more than 10 minutes total). If your selections are longer than 10 minutes, please select a portion that best displays your abilities. If we are not able to hear your audition repertoire in its entirety, this is not reflective of your ability; it is only because of time constraints.
- Vocalists are recommended, but not required, to perform selections in two different languages.
- Instrumentalists will be asked to perform two works differing in style and tempo.
- Percussionists should prepare three selections: snare, timpani and mallets.
- Guitarists who wish to perform electric guitar selections will be provided with a Fender guitar amp. Please bring your own 1/4-inch jack adaptor cord.
- Memorization of audition repertoire is encouraged, but not required.
- Accompanist will be provided for vocal auditions.
- Accompanist for instrumental auditions is optional.
- If you require an accompanist, please send a copy of the music to the Department Chair at least 1 week before your audition. Email:
Theory Diagnostic exam
A brief Music Theory diagnostic exam will be administered prior to the audition.
Conditional Status
Based on proficiency, students may be granted conditional status while pursuing their music major curriculum and may be given full music major standing at a later date.
The following is a draft of the day's schedule. Parents are welcome to partake of refreshments and relax in the Green Room (PAC 210) while waiting for auditions. They are also invited to the complimentary lunch for auditioning students and their families, where they'll have an opportunity to talk with FSU music students and faculty.
Morning Auditions
Audition Schedule 8:30am Arrive at Performing Arts Center (PAC); report to Music Department office, room 202, to check in and receive parking permit 8:45 - 9:15am Music Theory Diagnostic, PAC 122 (come and go as needed for rehearsal with accompanist in PAC room 216 until 9:50) 10:00 - 11:30am Auditions, Recital Hall 11:30 - 12:30pm Lunch at Chesapeake Dining Hall, compliments of FSU Admissions Office We look forward to welcoming you to the 'Burg!