State Ethics Commission Information
Financial Disclosure
Financial Disclosure is required by the Maryland State Ethics Commission (SEC) for positions that have direct impact on the formation of contracts, budgets, or procurement as well positions that the SEC recognizes as having duties and responsibilities that would require filing a financial disclosure statement.
Individuals in job title(s) identified by the State Ethics Commission as being required to file Financial Disclosure must file annually for the prior calendar year. Upon being newly identified by the State Ethics Commission, an individual will have thirty (30) days in which to file their first financial disclosure statement. Filers that resign, retire, or otherwise leave their filing position or the University are required to file a final financial disclosure statement within sixty (60) days of their final employment.
An individual may be fined for failing to file their financial disclosure on a timely basis. Identified filers may receive email filling reminders from the State Ethics Commission.
Where to File
Filers are required to use the State Ethics Commission’s online submission tool at
Mandatory Training
Newly identified filers must attend a mandatory two (2) hours of ethics training from the State Ethics Commission within six (6) months of being identified. Additional information on the training can be found on the State Ethics Commission’s website at
Filing Confirmations
After the completion and submission of a financial disclosure statement, the filer will receive confirmation that the State Ethics Commission has received the filing. Compensation asks filers to aid in our compliance efforts by sending a copy of the filing confirmation page to The individual’s financial information will not be on the email confirmation page.
Questions and concerns regarding financial disclosure can best be answered by Compensation, which can be reached at, or directly by the State Ethics Commission at 410-260-7770 or toll free at 1-877-669-6085.