Policies and Procedures
Facility Overview: Lane University Center
General Reservation Procedure(s)
Artwork Displays in the Lane University Center
Leaflet Distribution and Distribution of Materials
Reservable Space and Meeting Rooms
Multi-Purpose Spaces Basic Services
Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall (ARMAH)
Technical Services and Event Management
Invoices and Payment Information/Requirements
Additional LUC Policies and Services
Student Organization Office Access
Student Organization Mailboxes
Furnishings and Equipment Leading
Advanced Event Services Outside of the LUC
Facility Overview:
Lane University Center
The Franklin C. Lane University Center (LUC) at Frostburg State University provides quality customer service and state of the art event and meeting spaces to the students, staff, and faculty of Frostburg State as well as the local community. The LUC is dedicated to providing exemplary customer service and support to all of our clients and to create an experiential learning environment for our students. The LUC, the hub of campus life, strives to provide students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors with opportunities to experience university activities, school spirit, and community.
Over the last four decades, the building has largely fulfilled its promise; it has become the “living room” and “community center” of Frostburg State University by creating a centralized location for student services as well as campus and community events. It is a gathering place for our faculty, staff, alumni, students, and the community. Today, the campus community enjoys the friendly, warm and welcoming environment of the LUC.
The LUC staff plan and coordinate a wide variety of events in the student union on campus. With approximately 75,000 square feet of space, the LUC provides the University community with a meeting place for social, recreational, cultural, and educational pursuits. The LUC coordinates over 5,000 reservations a year, which range in size from fifteen to fifteen-hundred participants. Sample events hosted in our facility include lectures, student organization meetings, regional, religious, and academic conferences, formal and informal banquets, touring theatrical and concert productions, student activities events, and wedding receptions.
For more information, please contact:
Phone: 301.687.7399
Fax: 301.687.7049
E-mail: events@frostburg.edu
Mail: Lane University Center; 101 Braddock Road, Frostburg, MD 21532
General Rules and Information
The following rules and regulations are generally applicable to activities and events occurring in the Lane University Center (LUC):
- University facilities are to be used for the direct benefit of the campus community. Generally, facilities are not to be reserved for the personal benefit of non-university organizations unless arranged through Frostburg State University Catering Services or the Office of Conferences and Events. Use of space by external vendors will be considered as a rental and be accompanied by fees and appropriate charges.
- The nature of activities shall not be potentially physically disruptive to the campus. Local noise ordinances must be obeyed. While this rule may not be construed to preclude use of facilities based on political philosophy, race, religion, creed, or the sponsor, the nature of the activities to be conducted on the campus shall not be illegal under the Constitution or laws of the State of Maryland or the United States.
- The LUC reserves the right to control noise/volume levels, and/or to curtail all activities, that may interfere or infringe upon other events and/or activities taking place within the LUC or on campus.
- All charges must be reasonable, charged equally to all similar groups, and must be published in advance. In turn, such groups using campus facilities may charge admission, but only for the purpose of covering the direct and indirect cost of the sponsored activities. All surplus revenue derived from the conduct of an event will accrue to the benefit of the institution, except for public and nonprofit groups for which this provision may be waived. An exception to the surplus revenue may be granted for certain programs offered during the summer months where the activity generates significant revenues to Conferences and Events, Student Affairs, Housing and Dining accounts of the institution.
- All charges for services provided and/or damages are the responsibility of the group or organization hosting the event.
- The sponsoring group or organization is responsible for the behavior of their guests. Persons conducting themselves inappropriately or in a manner that is a safety concern may be asked to leave the facility.
- In the interest of personal safety of guests, students, and staff, the following rules must be adhered to at all times:
- The seating capacity must not be exceeded.
- All aisles, hallways, and exits must be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.
- Exit doors must not be fastened or obstructed to prevent doors from being opened readily from the inside by any means.
- Smoking is not permitted in the LUC in accordance with Frostburg State University policy. Additionally, the use of e-cigarettes and vapor devices are not permitted within the LUC.
- Gambling is prohibited.
- Shirts and shoes are required to be worn at all times.
- The LUC reserves the right to require events/meetings/gatherings/etc. to limit the number of attendees present based on applicable life-safety considerations.
- At the discretion of the LUC, some events may require that a University Police Department officer or additional security personnel be present.
- The use of skateboards, hover boards, bikes, roller skates, “heelys,” etc. are prohibited inside the LUC.
- Recognized student organizations (RSOs) that wish to schedule space in the LUC must be currently recognized by the University and in good standing.
- Fronting is prohibited. Fronting is when any individual, department, or recognized student organization reserve LUC facilities or services under the guise that the activity is a sponsored program by that recognized organization when it is not. Violations of this policy will result in a twelve (12) month suspension of reservation privileges and all existing reservations will be canceled for all involved parties.
- Recognized student organizations (RSOs) and departments wishing to engage in non-home showings of film, video, or televised events must provide the Event Services Office proof of copyright permission a minimum of three weeks prior to the start of the scheduled reservation period.
- In accordance with University policy PN 3.020, with the exception of service animals, animals are prohibited in the LUC.
- LUC maintains first right of refusal for providing equipment, furnishings, staffing, and the like for meetings, events, and activities to be held in the LUC.
- All events scheduled within the LUC which require services that exceed the basic services provided (see Basic Services) must utilize LUC’s Centralized Technical Crew staffing and equipment and the sponsoring group will be responsible for the associated charges.
- All food service occurring immediately before, during, or after an event, meeting, gathering, etc., must be provided by Frostburg Dining Services. This would include providing snacks, refreshments, catered meals, concession sales, etc.
- The LUC is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage of personal or organizational property left in the facility, including property left in public spaces, with an employee, at coat check, or in Student Organization Storage Cabinets.
- The Director of the LUC reserves the right to create exceptions to these and any other rules set forth in this policy, as operational necessity requires.
Reservation Procedures
General Reservation Procedure(s)
Reservations may be made by logging into the EMS Web App, by email at events@frostburg.edu, or in person Monday-Friday from 9:00am – 5:00pm in LUC 215.
Recognized student organization members must be listed on the official organization roster as members authorized to make reservations maintained on the Event Services Office on behalf of the organization.
University Departments may request space in the LUC up to a year in advance, though some university events, such as Homecoming, are scheduled up to two years in advance. RSOs may begin reserving space up to six (6) months in advance.
All reservations and special events occurring in the LUC and/or events with LUC equipment or staffing support must be confirmed in writing by the Event Services Office.
All reservations must have confirmed and finalized details, including signed and approved estimates for services which exceed the basic services provided, submitted to the LUC in writing a minimum of two weeks prior to the event. Events without confirmed and finalized details or those without approved estimates will be canceled.
The LUC is funded through university center fees and revenue generation for general building use by Frostburg State University students, faculty, and staff. No space usage charge is levied for University-sponsored meetings and events when the following criteria are met:
- The meeting or event does not exceed the basic services provided for the venue selected. (see Basic Services)
- The meeting or event is sponsored by a University recognized or registered student, staff, faculty, or administrative group.
- The nature of the meeting or event is within the recognized purposes of the group and the event is intended for members of the sponsoring group or for students, faculty, and staff of Frostburg State University.
- Any incurred fees for exceeding the basic services will be paid by a recognized or registered student, staff, faculty, or administrative group.
The name of the individual(s) authorized to make reservations or request changes or cancellations on behalf of a particular RSO must be on file with the Event Services Office via updating the organization’s roster on Bobcat Connect. RSOs that meet regularly are limited to four hours of regularly recurring meetings per week within the LUC. Exceptions may be made when the organization is conducting special programs or social events. Exceptions to this limit will be made by the Director or their designee.
Student organizations in the process of becoming recognized are permitted three reservations until the necessary paperwork is completed.
All cancellations must be communicated to the Reservation Office – (301) 687-7399 – during business hours or (301) 687-4011 after 5:00 PM and on weekends. RSOs and departments may also communicate cancellations online through the EMS Web App, by emailing events@frostburg.edu, or by visiting the Reservations Office in 215 LUC during normal business hours. (See also: No Show Procedures)
According to the Facility Reservations Policy set forth by Frostburg State University and the Facility Reservations Committee:
“The manager for the campus facility where an event is being held must be notified in writing of non-contract activity cancellations at least ten (10) working days in advance of the scheduled event. Failure to do so will result in the assessment of a $100 fee for the first offense and loss of reservation privileges for one year for a second offense.”
However, if the meeting or event is occurring in one of the LUC meeting rooms, notice of cancellation can be delivered prior to the start time of the scheduled event. Should the cancellation occur for the same event/meeting three times in a row, the RSO or department will forfeit the remaining bookings for the semester.
If the event is occurring in the Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall (ARMAH) or Atkinson Room, RSOs and departments must adhere to the Facility Reservations Policy regarding cancellations. Any cancellations occurring inside of the ten (10) day window will be assessed a $100 policy violation fee for a first offense and forfeit reservation privileges in addition to all existing bookings after a second offense for a period of twelve (12) months.
The LUC reserves the right to cancel, move, or modify a reservation and services based on operational necessity of the University and the LUC.
Reservations with technical equipment or support above the “Basic Services” of the venue, Crowd Managers, Event Managers, or other staffing, which are not canceled within seventy-two (72) hours of a scheduled reservation start time may result in the responsible party being charged one-half of the estimated costs of the event.
No-Show Procedure
A “no show” is defined and understood by the LUC as any reservation and/or event for which the sponsoring organization or department is not present within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time as identified on the confirmation of the request, and as a result, the reservation and/or event does not take place. With regard to ARMAH or Atkinson room, a no-show will be considered a cancellation of the event and associated cancellation fees and setup fees may apply.
A student organization’s failure to cancel a reservation according to the deadlines provided in this policy will result in a written warning letter. Two warnings will be given during the academic year. A third failure to cancel a reservation will result in the loss of scheduling privileges for the remainder of the academic year and cancellation of all events currently scheduled. This procedure applies to all spaces within the LUC, including lobby table space. Failure to cancel may also result in charges including setup labor costs, as noted above. After the second documented no-show, RSOs and departments will be charged on-half of the estimated costs of the event, including technical charges and setup labor at the established off-campus rate(s), when applicable.
After-Hours Requests
Any student organization or staff that does not have a scheduled reservation after normal business hours may visit the LUC Information Desk and request a room. Meeting rooms will be issued based on availability. Event spaces, such as the ARMAH and Atkinson Room, will not be issued during after-hours requests.
Anyone requesting a meeting room must have a valid Frostburg State University student, faculty or staff ID to be collected and held by the Building Manager on Duty. The ID will be returned upon satisfactory completion of a room inspection at the conclusion of the event. Any damage to the room or equipment, or missing equipment, may result in appropriate fees.
The furniture and technical equipment in the meeting rooms may not be removed, rearranged, or changed in any way. The student organization may request additional technical equipment such as TV/VCR/DVD, built-in equipment, etc. If equipment is requested upon arrival, the requestor’s ID will be held until the conclusion of the meeting.
After 4:45 pm, customers requesting laptops, tables, chairs, extension cords, and other similar items should go to the Information Desk on the second floor and request those items. The provision of meeting room equipment for customers without a reservation is subject to availability and the decision of the Building Manager on Duty.
Artwork Displays in the
Lane University Center
Students, faculty, staff, departments and RSOs may request to display artwork on the second floor in the hallway outside of the Lane University Center & Event Services office suite.
Individuals or RSOs that wish to sponsor an artwork display must reserve space by contacting the Event Services Office at 301.687.7399 or by e- mail at events@frostburg.edu. The same rules and restrictions found in the Event Décor section apply to artwork displays, in addition to the other considerations outlined in this section and other sections of the LUC Policies. Artwork may be relocated, as needed, based on scheduled events and/or operational necessity.
The usage of this area is limited to artwork and reservations will not be issued for artwork of which the primary content is advertisements or informational displays. (See Bulletin Boards and Banner Spaces)
Only two-dimensional wall pieces will be accepted and such pieces must be framed. Artwork will be displayed for a maximum of four (4) weeks. All displays must be delivered to the Event Services Office on the business day before the reservation period begins to be hung by LUC staff.
The LUC reserves the right to restrict the type of art and content of artwork being displayed in this public area of the facility. Artwork submitted for approval to be hung should be acceptable for a diverse population including children and the Frostburg community. Artwork displays that are obscene, defamatory, or could incite a breach of peace are prohibited.
Artwork display spaces are not monitored by staff. The LUC is not responsible for missing or damaged artwork or displays. If insurance is required, the sponsor of the reservation will be responsible for the purchase of insurance.
Sponsored Holiday Decorations
Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) will be permitted to sponsor the placement of free-standing holiday decorations in the LUC for a maximum of 15 business days per month. All free-standing holiday decorations will be displayed in public spaces within the LUC on a first-come, first served basis. Locations will be assigned based on scheduled events within the facility. Displays must be portable and may be relocated, as needed, based on scheduled events and/or operational necessity. RSOs that wish to sponsor a decoration must reserve space by contacting the Event Services Office at 301.687.7399 or by email at events@frostburg.edu. The same rules and restrictions found in the Event Décor section apply to free-standing holiday decorations. The LUC reserves the right to limit the number of similar style holiday decorations based on operational necessity.
Event Décor
Decorations for events held within the LUC and sponsored holiday decorations referenced in the “Sponsored Holiday Decorations” section, are subject to specific restrictions. Failure to abide by these restrictions will result in fees for clean-up and any damages incurred and may also result in loss of reservation privileges. Any individual, department, or student organization found to be in violation of these policies will be required to remove the articles immediately.
- Only displays that are free-standing or suspended from easels, conference poles, or truss are permitted.
- Doorways, halls, and stairs must remain unobstructed at all times.
- Generally, the burning of candles, sparklers, incense, paper leaflets, combustible figures, or pyrotechnic devices is prohibited on University property; however, catered events scheduled through Frostburg Dining Services will be permitted to use candles only for decorative purposes, as long as they are securely supported on substantial noncombustible bases and the candle flame is protected.
- Only flameproof materials are permitted. Materials are considered flameproof if they do not ignite when subjected to the flame produced from an ordinary wood match.
- The use of nails, tape, glue, thumbtacks, or adhesive on floors, walls, ceilings, door frames, or columns for the purpose of attaching materials is prohibited.
- Fastening display materials to walls, draperies, light fixtures, ceilings, sprinklers, and sprinkler pipes is strictly prohibited.
- Sand, glitter, and confetti are prohibited.
- No painting, including banners, may occur on the premises.
- Fog and hazing machines are prohibited with the exception of LUC equipment and supplies.
- Arrangements for special lighting effects must be confirmed and approved three weeks prior to the event.
- Special decorative collars are not permitted at the neck of a bulb in an electrical socket.
- Covering windows and doors are prohibited.
- All decorations must be removed at the conclusion of the event.
The LUC reserves the right to charge a maintenance or damage fee to any recognized student organization or department using any kind of decoration that may permanently change the appearance of the room.
Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the Director of the LUC.
Digital Signage
The LUC Digital Signage System consists of five (5) monitors placed in the LUC lobbies, near main entrances, which offer RSOs, departments and local businesses a unique way to advertise events, opportunities and meetings.
The Digital Signage System can accommodate a maximum of sixty (60) individual ten (10) second advertisements at any given time. Accordingly, each advertisement will be shown at least six (6) times per hour/per monitor. An organization may display up to three (3) advertisements on the Digital Signage System at the same time.
Advertisements are limited to a two-week period or until the event has concluded, whichever occurs first. The two-week period is defined as fourteen (14) consecutive days.
Public service announcements, Lane University Center & Event Services events, and regularly recurring events may be scheduled on a semester basis.
Use of the digital signage system within the LUC is a standard service for departments and RSOs. Off-campus businesses, conferences, events, and weddings will be assessed a digital signage fee. (See Fee Schedule)
The University has the sole authority to grant permission for use of digital signage or other advertising on campus. Permission to advertise meetings and events in the LUC must be obtained from the Department of Student & Community Involvement prior to the posting of advertisements or use of the digital signage system. Any use of copyrighted material must be accompanied by evidence that the copyright holder has granted permission for use of the material. Responsibility lies with the advertiser to ensure that the advertisement does not violate University policies related to use of copyrighted material, or copyright law. The University is committed to a campus environment that values diversity, and to the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, creed, political or religious opinion or affiliation, disability, veterans status or marital status. The University will ensure that all advertising reflects its commitment to these goals.
For additional information, or to submit an ad request, please visit the Student Engagement and Leadership website.
Leaflet Distribution and Distribution of Materials
Written or printed materials may be distributed inside of the LUC with a reservation for a meeting space, event space, or lobby table. Distribution of materials may not interfere with ingress and egress, blocking walkways, hallways, stairwells, etc.
Notices, flyers, table tents, and the like may not be distributed on the tables, chairs, walls, or windows in the facility; however notices or flyers may be posted on the bulletin boards designated for public use. (See Bulletin Board Usage below)
Advertising an event using easels, signs, posters, or freestanding displays is available on the day of the event by contacting the Event Services Office. Advertisements must be removed immediately following the conclusion of the reservation period.
Bulletin Board Usage
LUC provides three bulletin boards for marketing advertisements for the University community and individuals associated with the institution.
Maximum size for flyers posted on the bulletin boards shall not exceed 11”x 17”. All postings must be approved at the LUC Information Desk or Reservations Desk. Approval can be obtained by taking the posting to one of these two locations. Postings that promote alcohol use, abuse, sale or distribution, will not be approved and are not permitted to be posted on LUC bulletin boards, with the exception of events approved by the University.
Advertisements may be posted for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days and will be removed after the conclusion of the event or the end of the fourteen (14) day period. A maximum of one flyer per bulletin board will be permitted per activity, subject, etc.
The LUC will only approve flyers advertising a public showing of a copyrighted movie if the student organization provides proof of license prior to requesting to display the advertisement.
The LUC does not supply any posting materials or supplies Pushpins or thumb tacks are the only permitted attaching materials to be used on bulletin boards. Advertisements are not to be posted over other advertisements. The LUC is not responsible for any loss of or damage done to a notice, flyer, or banner posted in the building.
Any posting which violates the above regulations may be removed and disposed of immediately at the discretion of the LUC staff and may jeopardize the offending parties’ LUC reservation privileges and future posting of flyers.
The LUC will permit fundraising subject to several regulations. All products sold in the building must be approved in advance by the Event Services Office.
Any student organization reservation that involves the exchange of money must be accompanied by a written “Record of Sale” permit, which can be obtained by the Event Services Office prior to the start of the reservation period. The completed permit must be presented to LUC and University staff upon request during the event.
RSOs promoting fundraisers that benefit one or more organizations must clearly communicate the recipients and the distribution of the proceeds (for example, 50% of the proceeds go to the recognized student organization and 50% of the proceeds go to a charitable organization – listed by name). “Clearly communicating” is defined as posting a sign or note during the fundraising with the required information.
RSOs may utilize an auction to raise money by auctioning items such as art, dinner at a restaurant, or prizes. As the LUC and Frostburg State University recognize and value equality and diversity, and as auctioning individuals or groups places a “value” on a person or group, no individual or group may be auctioned for “services” or a “date.”
In concurrence with University Policy, any on-campus vendor must obtain written approval from the Director of the LUC, or their designee, before fundraising activity occurs in the LUC. Written approval will be issued in the form of a “Record of Sale” permit.
According to Pathfinder an on-campus vendor is defined as “any recognized student organization conducting commercial activity for the purpose of raising funds for charitable, educational, or athletic purposes.”
No items or products already sold in the LUC may be sold as a fundraiser.
All on-campus vendors may conduct raffles in the LUC upon prior registration of such raffle with the LUC Reservation’s Office. On-campus vendors must fill out a “Record of Sale” Form. Alcoholic beverages, drugs, weapons, and tobacco products as gifts or prizes are prohibited.
In accordance with University Fund-Raising Policy, RSOs are encouraged to contact University Advancement prior to commencing fundraising.
Please refer to the Pathfinder for University Fund-Raising Policy. (University policy 5.003)
RSOs and departments will be permitted to sponsor infrequent collection of food, clothing, or change for non-profit entities. Donation collection may occur at Lobby Tables, in accordance with the Lobby Table policy, or through the use of a free-standing donation collection station in the LUC for a maximum of 14 business days per month.
Donation collection stations will be displayed in public spaces within the LUC on a first-come, first-served basis. Locations will be assigned based on scheduled events within the facility. Collection stations must be portable and may be relocated, as needed, based on scheduled events and/or operational necessity. The sponsoring entity will be responsible for checking on the condition of the station daily to ensure that it is not overfilled.
Departments or organizations are responsible for providing an 11” x 17” sign to be posted on the donation collection station that includes the following information:
- Department or recognized student organization name
- Dates for collection of items, as indicated on the confirmed reservation provided by the LUC
- Types of specific items to be collected (i.e.: canned goods, clothing, books, toys, etc.)
- Recipient organization name (i.e.: Lions Club, Toys for Tots, Frostburg Food Pantry, etc.)
- Contact information for the sponsoring department or recognized student organization)
The LUC will not provide storage for items collected at donation stations. Departments and recognized student organizations that wish to sponsor a donation collection must reserve space by contacting the Event Services Office at 301.687.7399 or by e- mail at events@frostburg.edu. The LUC reserves the right to limit the number of donation collections based on operational necessity. If any department or recognized student organization fails to adhere to these requirements, the LUC reserves the right to discontinue the donation collection station and cancel the reservation.
Food Product Sales and Giveaways
RSOs and departments may reserve lobby table space to host bake sale fundraisers. A bake sale is defined as the sale of items that will not spoil in the absence of refrigeration or heat. All rules and guidelines associated with lobby tables and fundraising apply, in addition of the following regulations. Bake sales will only be permitted to occur at lobby tables, with a reservation, and may not occur during a scheduled event in another venue (see Food and Beverage). Departments and organizations engaging in a bake sale are required adhere to Allegheny County Health Department Regulations as well as the following requirements:
Items sold at a bake sale fundraiser in the LUC must:
- be pre-made. No cooking, baking, broiling, or other such operations may be performed in the LUC.
- be prepackaged for individual sale before being brought into the facility. No open food containers are permitted.
- be kept only in food-grade plastic bags.
- be kept elevated off the floor.
- not be for an item already sold in the LUC.
- not be commercially made or produced.
- be an item that is not a potentially hazardous food such as meat, meat products, cheese and cheese products, cream pies, potato salad, macaroni salad, and any other foods made with ingredients requiring them to be kept either refrigerated or hot
Reservable Space and Meeting Rooms
The LUC is the focal point of the University for students, faculty, administration, alumni, and community activities. With its five (5) meeting rooms, two (2) flexible event spaces, lobby tables, two (2) lobby spaces, and one large lounge space, the LUC is one of the most versatile meeting facilities in the area. The inviting and relaxing atmosphere provides an opportunity for the university community to get acquainted with one another through informal and formal meetings and gathering outside of the classroom.
Lobby Tables
Lobby table spaces are available for use by RSO’s, departments, and contracted or sponsored outside entities.
Lobby tables are reserved on a first-come-first-serve basis and may only be reserved Monday through Friday. Each sponsoring organization or department is only permitted to reserve lobby tables three (3) days in a given week.
Lobby tables must be reserved through the EMS Web App and may be done up to 48 hours in advance of the start time of the desired reservation. Reservations for lobby tables may also be made in person through the Event Services Office (LUC 215) up to 24 hours in advance. Lobby tables cannot be reserved for same-day activities.
Lobby table reservations will be provided one table and two chairs. Supplemental furnishings, including chairs, are not permitted at lobby tables and may not be removed from other lobby tables or seating areas within the LUC. Sitting or standing on the tables is prohibited. Due to the large amount of pedestrian traffic, group members must remain behind their assigned table. Obstruction of the walk-ways is not permitted.
Nailing or tacking anything to the table is strictly prohibited. Posters, signs, and/or banners may not be hung on walls or columns, but may be placed on the front of the table. An easel may be used, but it must be requested through the Event Services Office and may not be placed in such a way that traffic is impeded.
All provisions provided in the Event Décor section of LUC Policy and Procedures apply to lobby table reservations.
Upon arrival for a scheduled reservation, the group must check in with the Information Desk. At the conclusion of the reservation, the group must check out with the Information Desk.
Lobby tables will be made unavailable to the group if not occupied within 30 minutes of the reservation start time. These “lost” table reservations will be counted as “No-Shows.” (see No-Show policy)
Lobby tables must remain staffed at all times during the reservation period.
Playing of music from any device and sound amplification, including use of microphones, portable amplifiers, and speakers, is prohibited.
The purpose of the lobby booth reservation as originally requested by an organization may not be changed without prior notification to the Event Services Office at least 48 hours in advance. Accordingly, reservations for all space within LUC, including lobby tables, are not transferable to another organization.
The LUC reserves the right to cancel, move, modify, or terminate a lobby table reservation if the scheduled activity has demonstrated cause for concern, including, but not limited to:
- Personal safety and well-being of guests within the facility
- Damage to LUC property
- Repeated infractions related to noise violations
- Repeated infractions related to progress and egress of guest movement
- Behavior or materials presented on behalf of sponsors has been deemed inappropriate
- Behavior or materials presented are found to be in violation of LUC or University policies, state, or federal law
The lobby table and surrounding area(s) must be completely cleared of all items before leaving at the conclusion of a scheduled reservation. No storage will be provided.
Meeting Rooms
All five (5) of the LUC’s meeting rooms are equipped with an installed projector, screen, and auxiliary sound. With the exception of 109, all meeting rooms can be setup with tables and/or chairs in a variety of configurations to suit the purposes of the meeting being held.
Multi-Purpose Spaces
The Atkinson Room (ATK) and Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall (ARMAH) are two of the most highly sought-after event spaces on campus. Whether you are looking to host a large lecture style event, training workshop, or catered banquet event, these two spaces not only accommodate more than 50 guests regardless of setup, but also include installed projection and sound with the option of enhancing the event with a larger sound system or portable/fixed lighting
Due to the high demand for these venues, minimum attendance requirements are in place for these spaces. The Atkinson Room requires a minimum of 50 guests in attendance and the Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall requires a minimum of 100 guests. Events which occur in these spaces that do not meet the minimum attendance requirements will receive one (1) written warning for an attendance policy violation. Further infractions will result in suspension of reservation privileges in these venues for the requesting department or recognized organization for a period of twelve (12) months and cancellation of existing reservations scheduled in these venues.
Requests which exceed the basic services of LUC venues may result in additional fees and charges.
Event Support Services
Basic Services
Per the Frostburg State University Facility Reservations Policy, “University facilities are made available at no charge to University departments or organizations for standard service levels and setups. When services beyond the basic level are requested, associated costs will be charged back to the department or campus organization sponsoring the event. A list of these charges has been entered into the online scheduling system or may be requested from the appropriate building administrator.”
Meeting Room Basic Services
LUC provides the following basic services in rooms 108, 110, 111, and 113:
- LCD Projector w/Sound & Laptop
- Portable Whiteboard/Paper Flip Chart with Markers/Portable Easel(s), Podium
- Tables/Chairs in all Configurations (including custom diagrams and excluding soft seating/lounge furniture)
- One (1) crowd manager on duty in the facility
Multi-Purpose Spaces Basic Services
LUC provides the following basic services in the Atkinson Room for on-campus groups (departments and RSOs):
- LCD Projector w/Sound & Laptop (with house/basic sound system)
- Portable Whiteboard/Paper Flip Chart with Markers/Portable Easel(s), Podium
- Tables/Chairs in all Configurations (including custom diagrams and excluding soft seating/lounge furniture)
- Two (2) Wireless Hand Held Microphones, two (2) wireless Lavaliere Microphones, and/or (6) Desktop Microphones (with house/basic sound system)
- One (1) crowd manager on duty in the facility
LUC provides the following basic services in the Alice R. Manicur Assembly Hall (ARMAH) for on-campus groups (departments and RSOs):
- LCD Projector w/Sound & Laptop (with house/basic sound system)
- Portable Whiteboard/Paper Flip Chart with Markers/Portable Easel(s), Podium
- Tables/Chairs in all Configurations (including custom diagrams and excluding soft seating/lounge furniture)
- Portable Stage (utilizing standard setup size/configuration: 32’W x 18’D)
- Two (2) Wireless Hand Held Microphones and/or two (2) wireless Lavaliere Microphones (with house/basic sound system)
- One (1) crowd manager on duty in the facility
LUC provides the following basic services in the South Addition, Greenhouse, and 109 for on-campus groups (departments and RSOs):
- Portable Whiteboard/Paper Flip Chart with Markers/Portable Easel(s), Podium
- Tables/Chairs in existing standard configuration
- One (1) crowd manager on duty in the facility
- Display TV & Laptop in 109 and Portable Projector/Screen & Laptop in South Addition
LUC provides the following basic services in the Loft Stage for on-campus groups (departments and RSOs):
- Portable Whiteboard/Paper Flip Chart with Markers/Portable Easel(s), Podium
- Tables/Chairs in existing Standard Configuration
- Portable Sound System (not including labor)
- One (1) crowd manager on duty in the facility
Subject to availability, the LUC may provide University-sponsored meetings, conferences, banquets, and events the following basic services. Please inform the Event Services Office fourteen (14) days in advance of equipment or support needs. Available items include:
- Conference Phones
- Document Cameras
- Portable TV Cart
- Coat Racks
- Marquee Poles/Rope-and-Stanchions
- Easels
- Flip Charts, Pads, and Markers
- Portable White Boards
- US and Maryland Flags
Food and Beverage
All food and beverages served (including sales) in the LUC, with the exception of Bake Sales at Lobby Tables, must be provided through Frostburg Dining Services.
Guest Speaker Policy
Frostburg State University encourages RSOs and departments to sponsor guest speakers whose presentation will contribute to the role and mission of the FSU through providing a forum for discussion, debate, investigation and/or artistic expression. Guest speakers provide an opportunity for members of the University community and invited guests to hear and discuss opposing viewpoints on a wide range of issues. Providing a forum in no way implies university approval or endorsement of the views expressed by the sponsored speaker. This statement must be included in all publications and advertising of the event.
Recognized student organizations whom engage companies, entities or individuals to provide services (including, but not limited to: guest speakers, presentations, workshops, designers, DJs, performers, etc.) must notify the LUC of such activity a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the scheduled event. Contracts for these services must be reviewed and approved by FSU prior to engaging in a contract for these services.
Rooms and Set-up Options
Please see the venue capacity, by venue, chart below for room capacity and setup options.
Setup Types |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
113 |
133A |
Atkinson |
Classroom |
16 |
N/A |
N/A |
40 |
32 |
248 |
148 |
128 |
Conference |
24 |
22 |
12 |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Hollow Square |
28 |
N/A |
12 |
40 |
30 |
N/A |
72 |
64 |
Lecture |
51 |
N/A |
29 |
95 |
68 |
579 |
336 |
199 |
U-Shape |
25 |
N/A |
11 |
34 |
22 |
N/A |
58 |
44 |
Banquet* |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
36 |
30 |
319 |
176 |
168 |
Empty |
51 |
N/A |
29 |
95 |
68 |
500 |
350 |
250 |
n/a* - set up style/capacity information available if specifically requested
All guests/potential clients are encouraged to contact the LUC to confirm venue capacity information. All capacity information outlined above reflects a “standard” event setup and may decrease if special services are requested including, but not limited to, catering, staging, lighting, sound, projection, and other services.
Crowd Manager(s)
All events which expect to have, or with the potential to have, up to 250 estimated attendees require the presence of a Crowd Manager. For events with 251 or more estimated attendees, additional Crowd Managers at the rate of one (1) additional Crowd Manager per 250 attendees are required. The sponsoring department or recognized student organization will be responsible for the associated personnel charges for staffing. One (1) crowd manager is included as a basic service.
Complex Event(s)
For Complex Events such as contracted performances, speakers, fashion shows, etc., an Event Management Plan/Event Production Plan must be completed with all required signatures or approvals a minimum of six (6) weeks in advance. Final confirmed details (including, but not limited to: event timeline, lighting cues, sound cues, setup arrangements, rehearsal times, etc.) are required three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled start date of the event. (See appendix: Event Management Plan)
An event is deemed as a Complex Event when any of the following exist, or have the potential to exist, for a requested event:
A RSO’s event will be defined as "Complex" at the discretion of the LUC or Student Activities and/or when the event includes, or is expected to include, any of the following:
- Attendance (expected or historical) of more than 100 people.
- Tickets (paid or free)
- Contracted services (performance contract, independent contractor agreement etc.)
- Police and/or Security
- Advanced Audio/Visual Support
- Event title includes: Social, Festival, Carnival, Dance, Fashion Show, Pageant, Auction, "Week," Open Mic, Concert, Comedy, or Culture Show.
Complex Events require planning and preparation. RSOs are required to meet with their the Assistant Director for Event Services prior to their Event Management Plan/Event Production Plan deadline. Failure to arrange and attend this meeting will result in a denied of your organization’s request.
The LUC reserves the right to require events to limit the number of attendees present based on applicable life-safety considerations. Events with limited admission must be ticketed through the Box Office and the sponsoring department or recognized student organization will be responsible for all associated fees. For ticketed events, all attendees, performers, and organizational members must be issued a ticket for admittance to the venue. Ticketed events require support staff to control admission to the venue. The sponsoring organization must identify an Organizational Event Contact to assist the Crowd Manager with logistics surrounding the event. The Organizational Event Contact must not be participating in the event and must be readily available to support the event, at the discretion of LUC staff.
Risk Management Event(s)
Some events may be deemed as “Risk Management” events such as concerts, dances, etc. “Risk Management” events may require the presence of University Police Officers and/or additional security personnel, equipment, staffing, etc. at the expense of the sponsoring organization. Determination of which event(s) meet the criteria for a “Risk Management” event will be made by the Director of the LUC, Director of Student Activities, University Police, General Counsel, and/or other individuals as needed or warranted based on the nature of the event, past events of this same nature, etc. Security costs charged by the Lane University Center, Student Activities, or Frostburg State University are costs actually incurred; they are not based on the viewpoint or content of expression of the reserving party.
An event will be defined as a “Risk Management Event” at the discretion of the LUC, Student Activities, University Police, General Counsel’s Office, and/or other Frostburg State University officials when the RSO’s event includes, or is expected to include, any of the following criteria:
- event that concludes beyond the normal operating hours of the property/venue
- sponsored outdoor event that extends past 8:00pm
- event involving the potential of high risk or safety concerns
- sponsored event that has had a risk management/safety issue within the past two (2) years
- anticipated attendance of 500 or more
- past history of events requiring a Risk Management Plan
The LUC reserves the right to require events to limit the number of attendees present based on applicable life-safety considerations. Events with limited admission must be ticketed through the Box Office and the sponsoring department or recognized student organization will be responsible for all associated fees. For ticketed events, all attendees, performers, and organizational members must be issued a ticket for admittance to the venue. Ticketed events require support staff to control admission to the venue. The sponsoring organization must identify an Organizational Event Contact to assist the Crowd Manager with logistics surrounding the event. The Organizational Event Contact must not be participating in the event and must be readily available to support the event, at the discretion of LUC staff.
Game Room
Reservations for parties in the Game Room may be made by contacting the Event Services Office. Special events and parties are generally reserved in two-hour blocks and include billiards and video game system use. Normally the Game Room will not close to the public for parties unless arranged in advance, with approval of the Director. For rates, please contact the Event Services Office.
Any special events or parties that require the area to be open during other than regularly scheduled hours, or require closing the area to the general public during regularly scheduled hours, will be charged at a rate to be determined based on the services requested.
Equipment not in the area, such as additional tables, chairs, staging, audio-visual, and other similar equipment may be reserved through the Event Services Office but additional fees may apply.
Any food brought into the area during special events or parties must be provided by Frostburg Dining Services.
Final arrangements must be confirmed with the Event Services Office fourteen (14) days prior to the event. Notice of cancellation must be confirmed as received by the Event Services Office no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the event. Groups that fail to cancel their event may be assessed a fee of 50% of the total estimated cost, based on arrangements that have been made.
Guests requesting to utilize any of the Game Room equipment must provide the LUC Game Room attendant their Frostburg State University ID or a valid driver’s license that will be returned to the guest after any borrowed equipment has been returned.
Loft Stage
The Loft Stage is available for performances by RSOs and departments. Due to the public nature of this space, performances in this area must be open to the general population of the Frostburg State University community.
Distribution of materials in this area is restricted to performance-specific items relating to the current event and may not advertise for future events (i.e. Lobby Tables should be utilized for this function).
Events and Offerings
Computer Lab
Food or drink are prohibited in the LUC Computer Lab, with the exception of bottled water.
Users must abide by University Computing Policies as identified by the institution.
Users of the Computer Lab are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct posted in the Computer Lab at all times. Individuals failing to abide by the posted Code of Conduct may be asked to vacate the facility.
Astra Zeneca Fitness Center
The Fitness Center at the LUC is open to all Frostburg State University students, faculty, and staff.
Personal belongings should be stored in the day-use lockers located inside the LUC Fitness Center. Overnight storage of items in these lockers is not permitted. Food and drink, with the exception of bottled water, are not permitted in the area. Modification or relocation of equipment within the Fitness Center is prohibited. Shirts and shoes are required to be worn in the area at all times.
Users of the AstraZeneca fitness center are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct posted in the fitness center at all times. Individuals failing to abide by the posted Code of Conduct may be asked to vacate the facility.
No Academic Classes
LUC facilities shall not be used for regularly scheduled academic classes. Deviation from this practice requires written approval from the Dean of the College or School concerned and the Director of the LUC.
Final Examination Week and End of Term Activities
Recognized student organizations are prohibited from holding events other than regularly scheduled meetings during the last two weeks of the semester, however, regularly scheduled activities such as films, gallery exhibits, stress-buster events, and art and craft activities may be offered. During the last week of the semester, beginning with Reading Day or the first day of final examinations, recognized student organizations are prohibited from holding any event or meeting.
Study rooms are available in the LUC with a reservation. Individual students and small groups requesting a study room must have a valid Frostburg State University Student ID. Meeting rooms will be issued based on room availability. Venues are provided as-is and furniture and technical equipment may not be moved, rearranged, or changed in any way.
All banners for display within the LUC must be approved by the LUC prior to being displayed. Banners must be sponsored by a recognized student organization or department. Banners may only be displayed in the approved space designated by the LUC. Any banner hung outside of the reserved space will be removed and the recognized student organization or department may forfeit their reservation privileges for a period of 12 months.
Banner space is not available to external clients (clients not affiliated with Frostburg State University) for advertising purposes. For external clients advertising options, please see our Digital Signage website.
Student Organization Requests
Six (6) banner spaces are available for recognized student organizations on the railings above the first floor lobby. Spaces may be reserved through the Event Services Office. Space is allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis with a maximum of two weeks per semester, per event. Banners may be a maximum of six feet wide and four feet long and may be removed, relocated, etc., based on operational necessity. Banners that are obscene, defamatory, or could incite a breach of peace are prohibited. Banners must be delivered to the Event Services Office to be hung and removed and must be delivered at least one (1) business day prior to the beginning of the reservation period. Banners must be picked up by Noon first business day following the conclusion of a reservation period. Banners not picked up by this time will be disposed of.
Department Requests
Two (2) banner spaces are available for departments on the railings above the first floor lobby. Department requests for banners may be made by contacting the Event Services Office. Banners may be a maximum of six feet wide and four feet long and may be removed, relocated, etc., based on operational necessity. Banners that are obscene, defamatory, or could incite a breach of peace are prohibited. Banners must be delivered to the Event Services Office to be hung and removed and delivered at least one business day before the beginning of the reservation period. Banners must be picked up by noon on the business day following the conclusion of a reservation. Banners not picked up by this time will be disposed of.
Departments may reserve one banner space per month for display for a maximum of 30 days. The LUC may post banners related to our programs and services for periods exceeding 30 days as needed and based on operational necessity.
The Director of the LUC may make exceptions to the Banner Policy or waive specific requirements. Exceptions will be made based on the relevance of the advertised program to the facility where the banner will be located, the approval of the appropriate facility manager, and consistency with the need to inform the campus of upcoming events while maintaining the aesthetics of the LUC.
Technical Services and Event Management
Technical Assistance
Requests for setup configurations, microphones, theatrical lighting, and sound systems that exceed the basic services for the venue reserved must be finalized, and an estimate for services provided (if the services exceed the basic services provided) three weeks prior to the start of the reservation period.
Equipment that can be operated without the assistance of a technician includes TVs, DVD players, laptops, overhead projectors, document cameras, portable screens, LCD projectors, and built-in sound systems in the ARMAH and Atkinson rooms. Technicians can be scheduled with this equipment with an added hourly charge, at the request of the sponsoring department or organization. Staff will not be assigned to these events unless specifically requested. Individuals using this equipment without the assistance of a technician will be held responsible for any loss or breakage.
Events that exceed the basic services provided and those that are more complicated in nature may require more than one technician. The LUC reserves the right to assign any number of technicians to any event with sufficiently complex technical needs. Requests for technicians must be made fourteen (14) days in advance.
LUC Technical Services staff are required for the following services:
- Projectionist operator
- Light setting and operation, ranging from general room lighting to more complex theatrical lighting
- Public address sound systems that exceed the basic services for the venue selected
- Sound systems
- Bands, concerts, fashion shows, and other theatrical productions
- Ticketed events
Audiovisual Equipment
The following additional/premium audiovisual equipment is available by request include, but are not limited to:
- Theatrical/Concert Lighting System (ARMAH)
- Large Event/Concert Sound System (ARMAH)
- Portable Sound System(s)
- Portable Lighting System(s)
- Portable Lighting Tree(s)
- Portable Dance Floor
- Soft Seating Furniture
- LUC Staffing (Technical Services Staff, Building Managers, Game Room, Information Desk, Event Security, Ticket Takers, Wrist Banding, Stage Manager, etc.)
- Box Office Services (Ticketing, etc.)
- Piano Tuning
- Keyboard
Fee Schedule
Services that exceed the basic services provided by the venue will result in appropriate fees. Associated services and fees have been loaded into the EMS system and are available by request to the Director of the LUC.
Invoices and Payment Information/Requirements
Invoices will typically be generated within two weeks following the conclusion of a reservation period. Payment can be made to the Lane University Center & Event Services in person in LUC 212. An invoice becomes an Outstanding Balance if not paid within thirty (30) days of the invoice date and may result in loss of scheduling privileges until the invoice is paid in full. Invoices outstanding after forty-four (44) days will result in the cancellation of all currently scheduled events and the loss of reservation privileges for twelve (12) months for the sponsoring organization.
Departments, RSOs, and individuals with outstanding balances in the past 36 months will be required to submit payment in advance of future events that exceed the basic services of the venue selected. Payment in full for these services will be due two weeks prior to the scheduled event, or the event may be canceled.
Additional LUC Policies
and Services
Lost and Found
The LUC shall maintain a Lost and Found at the LUC Information Desk in accordance with Frostburg State University Lost and Found Procedure. (PN 4.026)
Found property may be turned into the LUC Information Desk during operating hours to enter the electronic ledger. Items that pose a health or safety concern will not be accepted and will be immediately disposed of. These items include, but are not limited to, water bottles, food containers, over-the-counter medications, drugs, weapons, soiled items, and other items at the discretion of the employee accepting found property.
Student Organization Storage
On-campus RSOs may request a storage cabinet located in the LUC. To obtain one, RSOs must submit a completed Storage Cabinet Request Form by January 2 of each calendar year.
Cabinets will be issued for eleven (11) months, running from February through December. RSOs must submit a new request annually by December 15th to be considered for a cabinet space.
RSO cabinet space in the LUC will be issued based on a random drawing of those RSOs who have submitted a completed Storage Cabinet Request Form each January. Should more requests exist for storage cabinets than space allows, two RSOs may be assigned to the same storage locker (sharing of space) to allow the maximum usage of the storage cabinet space.
Organizations no longer issued storage space must vacate the current storage cabinet by January 31 each year. Should items not be retrieved by an RSO, the items will be considered abandoned property and treated as such.
Should vacancies exist after the random drawing to assign cabinet space, RSOs may apply for a storage cabinet at any time by submitting a completed Storage Cabinet Request Form.
RSOs with office space or storage space in any location on campus will not be issued a storage cabinet. Departments will not be issued storage cabinets.
The only storage provided to RSOs will be within the locker issued to the group. Items left in any other location within the facility outside of the storage cabinet will be considered abandoned property and will be disposed of.
LUC reserves the right to change, modify, relocate, and consolidate student organization storage lockers at any time based on operational necessity. The LUC and Frostburg State University are not liable for the contents of any storage cabinet and items are stored at the individual and/or RSO’s own risk.
Student Organization Office Access
Those RSOs with office space or access within the LUC must go to the LUC Information Desk to obtain access to their area. The individual’s Frostburg State University Student ID must be presented and will be held until the key is returned to the Information Desk.
Recognized student organization advisors must submit a listing of authorized representatives for the organization that should be granted access. The listing will be submitted annually by February 1 and should be updated as needed by the recognized student organization advisor. LUC staff will use these lists to verify which students are allowed to have access to the student organization office.
Student Organization Mailboxes
RSOs may be issued a mailbox within the LUC through the Director of Student Activities and Fraternity and Sorority Life or their designee.
Furnishings and Equipment Lending
In general, LUC furnishings and technical equipment may not be reserved for use outside of the LUC and cannot be removed from the facility.
One small portable speaker with microphones and two LCD projectors are available for Recognized student organization use outside of the facility and may be reserved by contacting the Event Services Office. On the last business day before the reservation period begins (Monday – Friday), the confirmed rental must be signed out from the LUC Reservation’s Office in room 216, between 3:00pm and 5:00pm.
Equipment must be returned by 12:00pm (noon) on the day following the conclusion of the reservation period. Equipment that is not returned within the specified time will be charged a $50.00 daily rental fee for each day the equipment is not returned up to three (3) days and then will be charged the full replacement value of the equipment.
Any equipment that is removed from the LUC must be returned in the condition in which it was signed out. Loss or damage incurred to the equipment while used in or out of the building will be the responsibility of the individual and/or organization that signed out the equipment.
Advanced Event Services Outside of the LUC
In some situations, the LUC may provide advanced technical support equipment and labor for venues outside of the LUC. In such situations, LUC may support such events at the discretion of the Director. In general, support will be provided for events as well as University-wide initiatives as required. A minimum of 30-business days’ notice is required for such events. For events that take place outside of the LUC, advanced event services and equipment will not be available in the case of inclement weather.
If such an event is scheduled in an outdoor venue, a rain-backup location inside an appropriate venue is required. LUC reserves the right to require the said event to relocate to the rain-backup location if, in the opinion of the LUC, there is a significant chance of adverse weather conditions. Such a decision will be made a minimum of 48 hours prior to the scheduled start time of the event, or longer if the setup needs of the event require more than 48 hours of pre-event time. LUC staff will be the sole decision maker with regard to weather safety during such an event and may require the event discontinue until such time as weather conditions improve.