Digital Signage


The Lane University Center Digital Signage System consists of 14 monitors placed in the Lane University Center lobbies near main entrances and outside of each main meeting venue, which offers student organizations, FSU offices and departments, and local businesses a new and exciting way to get the word out about events, opportunities, and meetings. The goal is to inform and market events to the FSU campus and community to increase engagement at Frostburg State University. An average of 3,200 people travel past these monitors daily.

The Digital Signage System can accommodate a maximum of sixty 10-second advertisements anytime. Accordingly, each ad is guaranteed to be displayed at least six times per hour/monitor. An organization may display up to 3 advertisements on the Digital Signage System at the same time.

Event advertisements will be displayed for a maximum of 2 weeks or until the date of the event, whichever deadline occurs first. Two weeks is defined as 14 consecutive calendar days. 

  • How do I submit an ad?
    • upload-digital-signage.png

    • It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to create an ad and then submit the advertisement. 
    • Complete an advertisement submission form here at least one week before the advertisement launch date.  During this submission process, you will be asked to upload your advertisement in a JPEG format, 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high, with no fonts smaller than 26 pt.
    • Advertisements will be verified to ensure they adhere to the submission requirements and are an approved University event. Then, they will reply via email whether your ad has been approved or denied. Please note that University holidays, weekends, and vacations will affect response time.
  • How do you create a Digital Signage ad in PowerPoint?
    1. Open a new presentation in PowerPoint.
    2. Go to Design tab > Slide Size > Page setup and type a width of 20" wide x 11.25" tall.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Design your ad.
    5. Make sure to include all the required info, and make sure the fonts are large and easy to read from a distance.
    6. File > Save As "Type a file name" File > Export, select Format Type JPEG > Save Current Slide Only Width: 1920x1080
  • Who can submit an ad?
        • Registered student organizations and FSU Offices and Departments 
          • Offices, programs, student organizations, or services of the University may upload ads for FREE.
        • Off-campus businesses, conferences, events
          • One 10-second advertisement to be displayed on the LUC Digital Signage for at least 6x/hour. Rates: Yearly $950, Semester $500, Month $200, Week $100, Daily $50; Design services available $15/hour. The Lane University Center serves 3,200 patrons per day on average.
        • How/where do I pay for my ad?
          • There is no charge for this service for offices, programs, student organizations, or University services.  
          • Off-campus entities and businesses will be billed.
          • Off-campus entities should complete the online Digital Signage Contract.  
    • Size: 1920 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high
    • Format: RGB JPEG is preferred, but our CMS can take pangs, PowerPoints, Word Documents, Excel files, YouTube URLs, and Publisher assets. There is a 10MB file limit size when uploading assets.
    • Resolution: 72 dpi
    • Fonts: No text smaller than 26 pt.
    • The following information must be included in each advertisement:
      • Name of the Event
      • Date/Time/Location
      • Cost of Attendance
      • Who can attend? (FSU Students, FSU Campus, Community, etc.)
      • Name of sponsoring organization/department/office
      • Contact information (name, phone number, and email)
    • Restrictions
      • The University has the sole authority to grant permission to use FSU digital signage or other advertising on campus. Any use of copyrighted material must be accompanied by evidence that the copyright holder has provided approval to use the material. The advertiser is responsible for ensuring that their advertisement does not violate University policy related to using copyrighted material or copyright law. The University is committed to a campus environment that values diversity and to the elimination of discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, creed, political or religious opinion, or affiliation, disability, veteran's status or marital status. The University will ensure that all advertising reflects its commitment to these goals.

Questions about Digital Signage?

Contact Event Services
Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Lane University Center 215
Phone: 301.687.7399
Fax: 301.687.7049

Lane University Center | Hours & Contact Information


Regular Semester Hours
Sunday | 3 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Monday - Friday | 7:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday | 12 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Lane University Center
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532
301.687.4411 |

Event Services Office | Hours & Contact Information

Monday - Friday | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Lane University Center
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532
301.687.7399 | 

One Stop Shop certified image from ACCED-I.